
Friday, March 27, 2015

Obedience Leads To ‘Life’

THE HOLY BIBLE (The Contemporary English Version – Jeremiah 35:12-15): ….. I, the Lord All-Powerful, the God of Israel, want you to learn a lesson 14 from the Rechabite clan. Their ancestor Jonadab told his descendants never to drink wine, and to this very day they have obeyed him. But I have spoken to you over and over, and you haven't obeyed me! 15 You refused to listen to my prophets, who kept telling you, "Stop doing evil and worshiping other gods! Start obeying the Lord, and he will let you live in this land he gave your ancestors."

THOUGHTS: Who are you listening to? A more critical question is: In whom does your life reflect that you are listening to? Whoa… that's a loaded question isn't it? God saw what was happening to His people, the Israelites, where they were listening to every other leader, except the God who rescued them from slavery, the God who fed them in the wilderness where they would have died had it not been for the Provider who kept them each day by providing manna for them to eat. I know by now you are probably saying, OK Brother Ed, we know the story and these people were awful, but how does that apply to us, for we go to church every time the doors are opened and we live like the preacher tells us to. STOP friends. Please realize and acknowledge that starting at home – you have your spouse that you try to please, so in reality you are following their rules for your life. Failure to do this could result in an unhappy marriage/home. At work, most of us have a boss that we must please in order to keep our jobs and make our company profitable. Failure to do this could result in lack of salary increases and/or promotions and/or keeping our job. At school we have a teacher that we must please if we expect to receive a passing grade and graduate. Failure could result in none passing grades and/or not graduating. But what about our spiritual lives, do we not realize that failure to accept Jesus as Lord will result in a life apart from Christ and lead to eternal death? Friends, the most important part of life is to know the Creator of this world and of you and I. The One who loved us so much that He sacrificed His one and only Son to die a cruel death at the hands of evil people. Are we one of those – the ones who will continue to crucify Him? Or are we willing to surrender self to the free gift offered in Jesus Christ, accept Him as Lord and Master of our lives, then live a life pleasing to Him and in obedience to His Word? This brings with it everlasting life (see John 3:16) and a life filled with hope, rewards and blessings, both now and after we depart from this earth. Knowing Jesus is not just a thing of convenience during those times that we need Him, but it is surrendering to Him and accepting His leadership, then being obedient to what He tells you, as already written for you in the Bible. So what's important to you friend? Where do you pledge your obedience and allegiance? The kind of life I am recommending leads to life everlasting with our Savior and Lord. No other allegiance mentioned above comes with that kind of promise to look forward to! Do you know my Savior? Please read my 'Footnote' for guidance.

PRAYER: Father in heaven, Lord God, You are awesome beyond any words to describe it. Thank You, thank You, thank You for creating this beautiful world for us to enjoy, and for sending Your Son so that through us accepting Him as Lord, we might enjoy an even more beautiful and wonderful place – heaven! Sinfully we have allowed so much to come before our ultimate allegiance to You, and I want to say that I am sorry for having done this. You deserve my undivided attention, love and commitment. Too often I and my friends have been much like the Israelites and allowed the things of this world to distract us from Your love, care and promise. Please forgive me, and please hear the cry of forgiveness from my friends. May this be such a reminder to us today that our lives might be eternally changed and therefore reflect evidence of the One in whom we believe. Your loving kindness is better than life! May we learn to lean on You and not only accept that gift of eternal life, but live our lives as evidence that Your Son is in control of every choice and decision we make. I ask this in the name of Jesus, my Lord, with thanksgiving, AMEN!


FOOTNOTE: If you have been challenged to make a decision today after reading this devotional, please speak with a local Bible Teaching pastor, or contact me at so that we can pray with you and give you help and or encouragement as you begin, or continue your walk with Jesus. Any words underlined above will indicate a link to a song that came to mind as I wrote the devotional. Feel free to click on the link and listen as you continue to read or pray. If this devotional was forwarded to you and you would like to see more, please go to and read more, or you may freely subscribe for a daily email conveniently containing each day's devotional. If you are anywhere near the Highlands County, Florida area and do not have a church home, I would be thrilled to welcome you at Bible Fellowship Church, Sebring, FL! Click the link to check out service times and/or other special activities. God is at work among us! Please consider coming to worship with us!

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