
Saturday, January 3, 2015

The Impact of Your Life on Others

The Holy Bible (The Message – Philippians 1:13-14) Instead of being squelched, the Message has actually prospered. All the soldiers here, and everyone else, too, found out that I’m in jail because of this Messiah. That piqued their curiosity, and now they’ve learned all about him. Not only that, but most of the followers of Jesus here have become far more sure of themselves in the faith than ever, speaking out fearlessly about God, about the Messiah.
Thoughts: Ever looked at someone, particularly their actions, and commented to your spouse or friend about their demeanor, or their actions? They probably had either a very positive impact, or perhaps just the opposite effect on you. In fact, I have encountered individuals where I turned to my wife and said, “they must be a Christian”. I don’t believe that this is a result of putting people into a ‘box’, but in the case of a Christian’s attitude, we should see actions that reflect the One to whom they have surrendered their life. I would even dare say that if Christians are not imitating Christ, then we had best be on high alert in following them, as they are probably still following the same old worldly effects of Satan. Please don’t misunderstand friend, I am not suggesting that you judge people. Instead, I am urging you to be well learned in the things of Christ and His characteristics, then to be diligent and extremely discerning to associate with individuals who will strengthen your walk with the Lord, as Paul reflected even in prison. Anything else serves to destroy your witness, and minimize the name of the Lord. So the challenge that I believe that God has for us in this passage, is to examine ourselves and determine, with the help of the Almighty, to live the life that Christ has exampled for us, and not to live a fake. If we claim to belong to Jesus, then let’s determine to live like Him in every way. If you have a tendency to live otherwise, then I would challenge you to reexamine your commitment to Jesus. Do you truly know Him personally and have given Him full reign of your life? If not, may I encourage you to look to the ‘Footnote’ of this blog for direction on accepting Jesus as Lord? This ‘New Life’ in this New Year could be the beginning of great things to come, and a commitment that will ensure your eternal destination. No turning back friend, decide today to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
Prayer: Lord, folk can actually look at me and see a reflection of my parents. They can also evaluate whether I’m a child of the King or a child in need of a Savior. Thank You for saving my soul almost 40 years ago, and I thank You for the daily relationship that I enjoy as I seek Your daily perfect will for my life. I do this for no personal gain, but rather to further Your kingdom through my expressions of Your character in all that I do and say. You will determine the fruitfulness of my life, and my prayer is that my life would not have been in vain. Please oh Lord, may Your church be the church, and may Your people be solid reflections of You so that the world might know that our God reigns, and that Your love and character is lived out in all that we do and say. I am thankful for Your love and direction, and therefore ask all this in Your precious and worthy name, oh Lord Jesus, AMEN!

FOOTNOTE: If you have been challenged to make a decision today after reading this devotional, please speak with a local Bible Teaching pastor, or contact me at so that we can pray with you and give you help and or encouragement as you begin, or continue your walk with Jesus. Any words underlined above will indicate a link to a song that came to mind as I wrote the devotional. Feel free to click on the link and listen as you continue to read or pray. If this devotional was forwarded to you and you would like to see more, please go to and read more, or you may freely subscribe for a daily email conveniently containing each day’s devotional. If you are anywhere near the Highlands County, Florida area and do not have a church home, I would be thrilled to welcome you at Bible Fellowship Church, Sebring, FL! Click the link to check out service times and/or other special activities. God is at work among us! Please consider coming to worship with us!

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