
Saturday, April 11, 2015

Qualities of Our High Priest

THE HOLY BIBLE (The Contemporary English Version – Hebrews 7:26-28): 26 Jesus is the high priest we need. He is holy and innocent and faultless, and not at all like us sinners. Jesus is honored above all beings in heaven, 27 and he is better than any other high priest. Jesus doesn’t need to offer sacrifices each day for his own sins and then for the sins of the people. He offered a sacrifice once for all, when he gave himself. 28 The Law appoints priests who have weaknesses. But God’s promise, which came later than the Law, appoints his Son. And he is the perfect high priest forever.

THOUGHTS: I wonder what God might say about our form of worship and our Christian leadership today? In this passage in Hebrews there was a comparison between the high priests of the day that the people looked up to as their earthly connection to God, and THE great High Priest that God had provided for the people which, by the way, was provided for you and I until His return to take us up to glory. You see, often we place our church leaders on such a pedestal that we almost consider them a little god. Now friends, please don’t think that I am belittling our pastors/preachers/priests or other church leaders, for they do play a role in our spiritual walk, but PLEASE, you are to always look to God, through His Word, and  be attuned to His voice as He leads you to all Truth and a true Godly example. Man could easily disappoint you and/or possibly lead you astray, and into a path of their own personal conviction, that may, or may not, always line up with God’s purest plan for you. Because of our weakness and laziness to help ourselves to the written Word of God, we place our full faith and trust in the ‘God’ taught to us by those church leaders we believe we can trust. Experiencing the works of God and feeling His precious love for us, gives us a much fuller description and view of God that becomes very personal, and is key to helping us form a ‘relationship’ with Him. Trying to draw close to a ‘God’ that someone else may, or may not have experienced, is like looking in from the outside at a marriage between a husband and wife, rather than actually being one of the spouses experiencing the sweet relationship with the other spouse. In the above verses, Take note of the differences between earthly high priests and THE Hight Priest provided by God for us. I have highlighted qualities of the earthly priests in ‘red’ and the qualities of God’s High Priest (Jesus) in ‘bright light blue’. Of particular notice I want you to tune in to the later part of verse 28. Notice that unlike electing a church leader of our liking, or with qualities we feel are important, God invested His very own personal interest in providing us a ‘perfect and eternal’ Hight Priest, by sending His very own Son – One who is a vital part of the triune God and who acts on God’s behalf. He didn’t want us to settle for second best, He gave us His very own so that we might be drawn to Him. This is the ‘real thing’ friends, have you surrendered your life over to this ‘perfect’ High Priest? This was a huge sacrifice by God, we should respond by accepting this ‘gift’. In my ‘Footnote’ I have offered tips on how you might go about this, based on the written Word of God. Be prepared, friend. God could call you home at anytime, and I want you to be ready to meet Him.

PRAYER: Father in heaven, thank You for making provisions for my eternal future with You. Thank You for helping me to look beyond those that I respect in our church pulpits, and coming directly to the foot of the cross, asking for Your forgiveness and accepting Your ultimate sacrificed made on my behalf. You are a merciful and loving God, having shared a vital part of You so that I might become one with You. Thank You Lord! Please touch the hearts of Your children today so that we might be drawn to You in all humbleness and faith, and in great expectation of one day kneeling at Your feet and worshipping You for all eternity! Thank You for Jesus, our perfect High Priest! Please help us to sample our lives after Him so that we too might be an example to others that we come into contact with, and who also needs You. I am amazed by Your love! I ask all this today in the wonderful name of Jesus, our perfect High Priest, and Your loving  Son, AMEN!

FOOTNOTE: If you have been challenged to make a decision today after reading this devotional, please speak with a local Bible Teaching pastor, or contact me at so that we can pray with you and give you help and or encouragement as you begin, or continue your walk with Jesus. Any words underlined above will indicate a link to a song that came to mind as I wrote the devotional. Feel free to click on the link and listen as you continue to read or pray. If this devotional was forwarded to you and you would like to see more, please go to and read more, or you may freely subscribe for a daily email conveniently containing each day’s devotional. If you are anywhere near the Highlands County, Florida area and do not have a church home, I would be thrilled to welcome you at Bible Fellowship Church, Sebring, FL! Click the link to check out service times and/or other special activities. God is at work among us! Please consider coming to worship with us!

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